Sports Rehab Offers Covid-19 Rehabilitation Services

At Sports Rehabilitation Physical and Hand Therapy, we now offer specified treatment to help those recovering from or suffering long-term effects caused by Covid-19.

There are documented benefits to physical activity and exercise, many of which correlate with the possible negative outcomes of a fight with Covid-19. Exercise can help build strength, increase cardiovascular endurance, reduce pain, improve balance, and maximize activity tolerance for those activities you may need or want to do.  

An evaluation will be scheduled to obtain a full medical history to better understand some of the challenges you may be facing during your recovery from Covid-19. Our therapists will take baseline measurements and determine the most effective treatment methods to get you back to feeling like yourself.

Some of the activities included in a treatment plan are listed below:   

  • Strengthening global muscle groups to improve activity tolerance and endurance .

  • Improve strength in the upper extremities, lower extremities, and core to help perform daily activities. 

  • Balance and proprioception training to reduce fall risk and improve household or outdoor mobility

  • Functional mobility and stretching for stiff joints or muscles 

  • Education on activity modification and energy conservation  

  • Aquatic physical therapy is offered on site at Sports Rehab. The benefits of aquatic physical therapy include off-loading your joints and spine, improving strength and stability, reducing swelling by increasing venous return.

All of our therapy sessions are one-on-one and tailored to fit your needs.

Give us a call today to schedule your initial evaluation at 913-663-2555.